• May 5, 2024, 7:23 am
  • May 5, 2024, 7:23 am

Boosters: Uniting Parents to Empower Our Players!

Joining the PHS Men's Soccer Booster Club is not just about showing school spirit, but it also plays a vital role in their growth and success on and off the field. Here's why it is important to support and be a part of the booster club:


  • Stronger Community: Booster club participation fosters a sense of togetherness among parents, coaches, and players. By joining forces, we enhance the team's sense of camaraderie and create a supportive community for our children. Together, we provide invaluable encouragement that contributes to positive player experiences.
  • Financial Support: Booster clubs generate funds to supplement crucial team expenses that are often not covered by school budgets. Whether it's purchasing new equipment, uniforms, or organizing team-bonding activities, joining the booster club ensures our children have access to the resources necessary for their success.
  • Networking Opportunities: The booster club provides an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded parents who share your passion for soccer. Building relationships with other parents can lead to valuable connections and friendships. Together, we create a network of support that extends beyond the soccer field.
  • Positive Role Modeling: As parents involved in the booster club, we model the importance of community engagement and support for our children. Being an active participant demonstrates the value of teamwork, volunteerism, and dedication, teaching our children life lessons that extend far beyond the game of soccer.

Together, let us propel the MOJO spirit forward!